A&J MicroDrive System-100

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The A&J MicroDrive System-100 is a tape drive almost identical to the Exatron Stringy Floppy.

Entrepo / A&J MicroDrive was a company that spun off from Exatron. Initially they sold tape drives with the same drive mechanisms and cassettes (called "wafers") as the Exatron Stringy Floppy, then switched to a different drive mechanism from BSR and "microwafer" cassette that is conceptually and essentially the same as the StringyFloppy, merely with slightly different dimensions. The BSR & Exatron drives & wafers are not compatible with each other.

The same drive was sold in at least a few other products for other platforms. Some examples:

  • A&J MicroDrive for the Timex Sinclair
  • Rotronics WafaDrive for the ZX Spectrum
  • Entrepo Quick Data Drive Model 8500 for Commodor 64 (also rebadged by NCS)

The wafers were made & sold by Entrepo, and also rebadged by at least Phonemark and Smith Corona.


Olivetti M10

File:System 100 TOS 5 rel 1 for Olivetti M10.zip

Misc References

There is also some info in the M100SIG archive, particularly the "reviews" dir.

Portable-100 Magazine, 1986 April pg. 33