The Missing WIKI: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "...But that brings up a point. I miss a wiki for pretty much everything I do. I built a cool sound-containing box for my generator. But unlike all other such boxes, it actua...")
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Revision as of 02:34, 7 March 2017

...But that brings up a point.

I miss a wiki for pretty much everything I do.

I built a cool sound-containing box for my generator. But unlike all other such boxes, it actually works to block most sound, AND it ventilates the generator sufficiently that it doesn't overheat, AND it's weatherproof and simple and made of cheap common materials, and no complicated exhaust piping or anything that has to be custom made to one generator or which prevents the generator from working stand-alone or prevents another generator from working in the same box.

And yet, the design could still be refined further.

I already have a job and am not interested in making and selling generator sound boxes.

A wiki or github page to publish that design, and allow other people or myself to tweak it further would be *great*. But what web site do I put that on?

Join some "prepper" form sites just so I have a place to post this one random thing when I otherwise have only minor interest in the topic of prepping in general? And then I post it and it gets buried and forgotten in the ongoing stream of new conversation threads.

Right now I have a few pics up in Google Photos and a video on Youtube. Once in a blue moon someone tries to ask a question or offer a comment on in the youtube comments, which I never see, and which doesn't allow you to even post a link in a comment. Useless. Worse than joining a prepper site even.

So a generic "The Missing WIKI" actually sounds pretty cool. You put anything there which doesn't have a better place anywhere else. Like Wikipedia itself, except without Wikipedias particular strict rules about what goes in and what doesn't. Or rather, different particular rules. For an example of one big difference: Original research would be greedily accepted. And the search engines crawl all the pages and index them, and so then people can find them.